اهلا بيك ايها الزائر في منتدي الالعاب نتمني لك وقت ممتع معنا كما نتمنا ايضا ان تتفضل بالتسجيل معنا كنت تريد ذالك

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل


اهلا بيك ايها الزائر في منتدي الالعاب نتمني لك وقت ممتع معنا كما نتمنا ايضا ان تتفضل بالتسجيل معنا كنت تريد ذالك


هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اهلا بكم في منتداكم تحميل الالعاب .....جاري تطوير المنتدي ليصبح من اقوي المنتديات .....نحن نحتاج الي مشرفين علي كل قسم من يريد الترشح للاشراف يتفضل .....وشكرا

2 مشترك

    حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2 علي Mediafire


    عدد المساهمات : 171
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/03/2012
    الموقع :

    حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2  علي Mediafire Empty حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2 علي Mediafire

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الخميس مارس 29, 2012 9:15 am

    حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2 علي Mediafire

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

    Just Cause 2 | Genre: Action, third-person shooter, Sandbox | {1.2GB}

    Just Cause 2 is ridiculous in the
    best possible way. In the space of a few moments, you can grapple to a
    hovering helicopter; beat up the pilot and hijack the chopper; blow up a
    cluster of fuel tanks; put the chopper on a collision course with an
    enormous antenna; jump out at the last moment; and watch the resulting
    explosion as you parachute down to the saddle of a moving motorcycle
    below. But in the life of Rico Rodriguez, such events are just another
    day at the office, though in this case, the office is the gigantic
    island nation of Panau, where three gangs vie to wrest control from a
    corrupt government. This is a big game that gives you a lot to do and a
    lot of crazy ways to do it.

    When Just Cause 2 gives you the freedom to
    do the things you want in the way you want, it shines in all its
    preposterousness and good humor. When missions and challenges shoehorn
    you into specific actions, however, the same loose mechanics that make
    the open-world exploration such a joy become a frustrating burden.
    Nevertheless, this sandbox action game surmounts its few issues with
    liberal doses of ludicrousness; well, that, and the ability to attach
    disreputable cops to a buggy with your grappling hook and drag them

    The game begins with Agency Agent Rico
    Rodriguez being dropped into the South-east Asian island nation of
    Panau. Formerly a US ally, Panau is taken over by Baby Panay, who
    institutes a harsh, oppressive dictatorship and cuts off all ties to the
    US. Rico's mission is to oust Panay from office, as well as track down
    and assassinate Tom Sheldon, who the Agency fears has gone rogue after
    disappearing during the regime change. In order to find Sheldon, Rico
    allies himself with the three dominant criminal gangs on the island: the
    Roaches, an organized crime syndicate, the Reapers, a communist
    revolutionary army and the Ular Boys, an indigenous tribe opposing
    foreign influence.[9] He eventually gathers enough information to track
    down Sheldon, who reveals that he's been investigating a larger
    conspiracy behind Panau. He tells Rico to continue causing chaos on
    Panau while he goes to explain the situation to the Agency.

    After clearing everything up, Sheldon
    suddenly demands that Rico quickly make his way over to his hideout.
    They tell him that Jade Tan, a mysterious agency asset who Rico met
    earlier, has been caught snooping around, and will be tortured without
    questions. Rico races to her rescue, and destroys the base where she is
    held. However, Jade is bundled into a truck and a fleet of gunmen
    attempt to make a getaway along a frozen lake. En route, a nuclear
    submarine emerges from the ice, but Rico hijacks Jade's truck, and both
    are airlifted to safety by Sheldon and Kane.

    Later, Jade reveals that the Roaches,
    Reapers, and Ular Boys are secretly being supported by Russia, China,
    and Japan respectively in an effort to bring down Panay, but Rico and
    Sheldon wonder what Panau has that is able to attract such dominant
    superpowers. Nonetheless, Rico and Sheldon track down the foreign
    intelligence officers liaising with the gangs and assassinate them. At
    this point, the island is in so much chaos that Panay is forced to leave
    the capital and take refuge in a fortified military base. Enlisting the
    aid of the gangs, Rico assaults Panay's hideout. Panay is apparently
    killed during the assault, and Rico discovers that Russia, China, Japan,
    and the US have been secretly fighting over Panau for its oil supply,
    which is supposedly the richest in the world.

    With Panay dead, the situation in Panau
    turns into a free for all as foreign nations scramble to claim the oil.
    Russia, China, and Japan send a fleet of supertankers to Panau, while
    the US begins scrambling military forces to defend the island. Rico is
    tasked with holding off the supertankers until reinforcements arrive.
    However, a massive nuclear submarine suddenly appears. Panay, who is
    still alive but injured, fires four nuclear missiles at Russia, China,
    Japan, and the US, but his clothing is accidentally snagged on one of
    the missiles and he is hauled off with it. In pursuit, Rico grapples
    onto one of them and both men battle in mid air as Rico disarms each
    missile one by one. Finally, on the last missile, Rico pins Panay into
    the exposed missile core and reprograms the targeting computer before
    leaping to safety. The final missile changes course and explodes over
    Panau's oil fields, killing Panay and destroying Panau's oil reserves.
    Rico reunites with Sheldon, Kane and Jade, who express their dismay at
    this decision, but Rico tells them that because the oil is now
    destroyed, all interest in Panau will be lost, preventing a war between
    the major superpowers and sparing the innocents of the island. Sheldon
    agrees, and assures Rico that a US-friendly president would be installed
    on Panau, and that it will be closely monitored. The group raise their
    glasses, to good friends, and a job well done.

    Minimum System Requirements:-
    OS: Windows Vista/7
    Processor: Dual-Core CPU (Athlon 64 X2 4200/Pentium D @ 3 GHz)
    Memory: 2 GB
    Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
    Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro)
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 10
    Keyboard & Mouse
    DVD Rom Drive

    Recommended System Requirements:-
    OS: Windows Vista/7
    Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.6 GHz/AMD Phenom X3 @ 2.4 GHz
    Memory: 3 GB
    Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
    Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250/ATI Radeon HD 5750)
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 10.1

    Keyboard & Mouse

    DVD Rom Drive

    Download [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] Password : raja

    غريب الاطوار
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    عضو مشارك

    عدد المساهمات : 65
    تاريخ التسجيل : 14/04/2012
    العمر : 30

    حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2  علي Mediafire Empty رد: حصريا تحميل لعبه Just Cause 2 علي Mediafire

    مُساهمة من طرف غريب الاطوار الإثنين أبريل 16, 2012 1:23 pm

    لعبتها من قبل ..اللعبة ستاهل

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء يناير 15, 2025 5:59 pm